TAMAR Denmark, the youth group of Shir Hatzafon, welcomes Jews in their 20s and 30s to a vibrant community in Denmark, where they can connect, explore their Jewish identity, and engage in their heritage. As part of the World Union for Progressive Judaism’s global TAMAR network, we aim to create a welcoming space for young Jewish adults in Denmark, emphasizing inclusivity and diversity. Our mission is to foster a community where young Jews can celebrate, learn, and grow together, offering events, learning and cultural programs, social action opportunities, and spiritual connections, all while facilitating leadership opportunities to shape the community’s future. We invite you to join us in building a thriving space for young Jews in Denmark, where every voice is valued, and we can collectively contribute to our vibrant community life.
For more info or to join us, send an e-mail to shir@shirhatzafon.dk.
TAMAR Denmark, ungdomsgruppen under Shir Hatzafon, byder unge jøder i 20’erne og 30’erne velkommen til et fællesskab i Danmark, hvor man kan møde ligesindede, udforske sin jødiske identitet og deltage aktivt i vores fælles arv. Som en del af det globale TAMAR-netværk inden for World Union for Progressive Judaism, stræber vi efter at skabe et imødekommende sted for unge jøder i Danmark, med et fokus på inklusivitet og mangfoldighed. Vores mission er at tilbyde et sted, hvor unge jøder kan feste, lære og vokse sammen, gennem arrangementer, lærings- og kulturprogrammer, sociale initiativer og mere, samtidig med at vi tilbyder ledelsesmuligheder for at forme vores fællesskabs fremtid.
For mere info eller for at deltage, send en e-mail til shir@shirhatzafon.dk.